Den 8 september anordnade Drive Swedens temaområden Allmänhetens Engagemang och Samhällsplanering en matchmaking-workshop. Under detta möte återvände man till de projektidéer som togs fram under temaområdenas workshop i februari. Ta del av presentationerna här.
(Eventet hölls på engelska)
In this thematic meeting the participants continued to think together around the ideas developed in February and get to know people with similar interests. The goal was to end up with concrete project ideas to be developed into applications.
Inspiration was provided from speakers on two topics that have been identified as of specific interest by participants in our thematic workshops:
Society Planning - How do we plan for urban as well as rural mobility - and between
Public Engagement - How do we involve LOTS of people? How do we scale involvement?
Introduction – reminder of results from last workshop
The goal with today's workshop: Inspiration and matchmaking around concrete project ideas
Society Planning – How do we plan for urban as well as rural - and between?
Public Engagement - How do we involve LOTS of people? How do we scale involvement?
Project pitch - An introduction to pending project ideas
Introduction to workshop
Workshop on visiting the different project ideas in breakout rooms and make yourself and your interests known through digital post-its and discussions with pitch-leaders