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Waymo and Aurora Seek 5-year Exemption from Warning Device Requirement

The Department of Transportation in the US has r eceived a request for an exemption from Waymo and Aurora. The exemption applied for is from the requirement to place warning devices around stopped...
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Can Young Generations Eliminate Car-Centric Cities?

Some have high hopes that the next generations apparent disinterest in cars will lead to cities that are less dependent on cars. Bloomberg’s latest article argues otherwise, claiming that decades of...
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New EU Resolution to Double Cycling by 2030

On February 16, cycling is finally recognized as a fully-fledged mode of transport by the EU Parliament with the presentation of a plan for doubling the number of kilometres cycled in Europe by 2030.
Drive Sweden, bakgrundsbild

Drive Sweden on site at the European Road Transport Research Conference

Inclusion, the need for easy-to-use digital services, technology that matches needs and an impact on the labor market as the transport system changes were some of the topics discussed at the Road...
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Remote Operation of Vehicles from Overseas set to be Prohibited in England and Wales

From a recent review by the UK’s Law Commission, it might be that the UK is moving towards a prohibition of vehicles being remotely operated if the operator is overseas.
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15-minute City: Conspiracy or Much Ado About Nothing?

The “15-minute city” concept is gradually becoming more widely known and more popular in urban planning. However, not everybody is happy with this, and some in the UK are claiming it is a plot.
Peter Eriksson

Peter Eriksson - new Chairman of the Board of Drive Sweden

Peter Eriksson, former Minister for Housing and Digital Development, has recently been elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Drive Sweden.
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Dubai has announced a new 93km climate-controlled highway, designed for walking and cycling

It was recently announced that Dubai will build a 93-kilometre long climate-controlled highway called “THE LOOP”. This is a part of the cities wider 20-minute city project.
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What About a Fourth Traffic Light Colour?

Recent research on how to ease the adaptation period of autonomous vehicles has revealed that a fourth traffic colour, the so-called white phase might help autonomous vehicles and human drivers to...
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New Dockable E-scooters Are Here

After several years of usage, Lyft finally decided to organize a shared micromobility landscape, with fewer fleet-floating scooters and more dependable, docked vehicles. To achieve this, on Thursday...
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GreenMobility Consolidates and Expects Profits in 2024

Changing markets, increased interest rates, and a shifting market has led car-sharing company GreenMobilty to focus on its core markets in order to reach profitability.
En av Skövdebostäders bilar. Foto: Skövdebostäder.

Exemption from the Government allows new ways to rent out cars

The Government has allowed an exemption from the rules for professional car rental, enabling testing of new forms of car rental between, for example, property owners and tenants. RISE and...

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A blurry picture of a city and traffic at night.
Startbild- Forum-sep2023


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