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Policy development

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New innovations and technology risk not being used or being delayed due to outdated regulations. But new solutions for the mobility of the future push all types of regulations to be changed, adapted, clarified and new definitions created. The regulations around mobility, infrastructure and connected services are not always as updated or rapidly developed as the technology. The transport solutions that require the regulations to be updated are by their very nature very broad. The examples are many within, among other things, car sharing and privacy issues, and it affects e.g. car rental as well as self-driving and driverless systems. Smart and integrated support services must be developed, just as policies that support, for example, the necessary sharing of data must be implemented.

Important in this area are the European and international contexts. Without development and transparency in these, the implementation of new innovations in mobility may suffer. That's why we stay up-to-date and actively involved in various international collaborations.

Program activities

You are welcome to attend our open meetings, and you also have the opportunity to take part in the content afterwards. Click on the event, and you will find presentations from previous events.

Lastbil kör in från sidan, bil kör mot kameranoch en människa går längs med lastbilen

Thematic meeting: Network AD Regulation

At an open mini conference attendees learned more about the project Network AD Regulations as well...
En illustration av fysiskt och digitalt vägnät, från projektets slutrapport (av RISE).

Traffic Rules of the Future

The Drive Sweden Policy Lab 4 Traffic Rules of the Future has successfully concluded with a proposal...
Man driving a car

Thematic Meeting: Ride Sharing

Ride Sharing has great potential to reduce the number of vehicle movements and thereby greatly...
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Drive Sweden Theme Area Meeting: Policy Development

The program KOMPIS (COMbined Mobility upscaling In Sweden) was a powerful investment that ended in...

Project and results

Take part in project results that dive deep into policy and regulatory issues.

Bilar på en motorväg på en bro


DEPAUT is a preliminary study with the aim of investigating the technical and organizational conditions for the automation of bus depots, where new third-party technology is used instead of vehicle...
Drive Sweden Policy Lab presenteras av Kent Eric Lång under Drive Sweden Forum 220908.

Independent assessments in trials with automated vehicles

Drive Sweden Policy Lab (DSPL) is a platform for collaborative policy development involving stakeholders from industry, government agencies, and research institutions, aimed at enabling smart mobility...
Foto som visar en edn person som joggar längs havet och en levernasrobot som står på en asfalterad väg som ansluter till joggingspåret

Helsingbotica Community Robot

The project aims to contribute to the development of future vehicles by conducting tests of autonomous delivery robots in the city of Helsingborg. The primary deliverable from the project will be the...
Projektfoto - Nätverket för mikromobiliet

Network Micromobility Phase 2

New mobility services can contribute to the transition to a climate smart society, but require adaptations and new standards. The project is now moving forward and continues to collaborate with...

Want to know more?

Contact the leaders of policy development.

Kent Eric
Kent Eric Lång
Robert Ståhl
Lena Vidin
Drive Sweden Policy Lab presenteras av Kent Eric Lång under Drive Sweden Forum 220908.

How Drive Sweden works with Policy Lab

Drive Sweden is a platform for collaboration between different stakeholders specifically around the development of policies and regulations.

In the Drive Sweden Policy Lab, innovation and regulatory development are linked closer together, which facilitates cooperation between different stakeholders. Policy Lab identifies concrete bottlenecks linked to regulations and produces proposals for measures in broad cooperation.

The purpose of the lab is to explore how technology and service development relate to the existing legal space for the new mobility services that are developed within Drive Sweden's project portfolio.

The work in the Policy Lab consists of three parts:

  • To assist two to three other ongoing projects within Drive Sweden's area of interest with policy and regulatory innovation. Which projects are to be offered policy and regulatory innovation is determined in consultation with the Drive Sweden program office based on the program's priorities.
  • To synthesize experiences from the policy lab within Drive Sweden's project to transform experiences and insights from individual cases into general advice and measures. An example of that work is policy development around how work in garages and depots is affected by self-driving vehicles.
  • To contribute with environmental monitoring of ongoing projects identified as above regarding the introduction of new technology and services within Drive Sweden's area of interest. The monitoring of the environment is linked to the specific cases investigated in the policy lab.

Drive Sweden Policy Lab works with specific cases from Drive Sweden projects. In 2020, additional funding was granted, until August 2022, to investigate another case, focusing on the conditions for collaborative data in logistics flows.

A hand holding a shiny ball reflecting industries.

Drive Sweden Policy Lab 2019/2020

The project aimed to create a functioning way of working to drive policy-related issues that are important for the entire value chain connected to the transport system and future mobility solutions...
Drive Sweden Policy Lab presenteras på Drive Sweden Forum 220908.

Drive Sweden Policy Lab 2021/2022

Since regulations cannot change in a speed that matches the quick development of technology and market, new methods for policy and regulation innovation are needed.
Drive Sweden Policy Lab presenteras av Kent Eric Lång under Drive Sweden Forum 220908.

Independent assessments in trials with automated vehicles

Drive Sweden Policy Lab (DSPL) is a platform for collaborative policy development involving stakeholders from industry, government agencies, and research institutions, aimed at enabling smart mobility...
En av Skövdebostäders bilar. Foto: Skövdebostäder.

Feasability study Regulatory sandbox for car rental legislation

The project has investigated which law changes that are needed in order for P2P car charing to work between companies and private individuals, with focus on a case where Skövdebostäder wants to rent...
En illustration av fysiskt och digitalt vägnät, från projektets slutrapport (av RISE).

Traffic rules of the future

The project addressed the need for development of the regulatory framework for traffic regulations – work that needs to be carried out through dialogue with a wide range of actors. In the project...
Car in front of trees

Modern car rental regulations for increased car sharing

The project aims to modernize the car rental regulations together with a wide range of relevant actors to improve accessibility to shared cars even in places where they are completely lacking today.

Do you want to know more about Policy Lab?

Kent Eric
Kent Eric Lång
Lastbil kör in från sidan, bil kör mot kameranoch en människa går längs med lastbilen

How Drive Sweden's Network Automated Driving Regulations works

International and EU rules for automated driving are changing significantly at the moment. Network AD regulation brings together companies and Swedish authorities to, together with legal excellence, study in depth the new issues that arise. Quarterly roundtable discussions with a broad partner group offer a neutral forum for following developments and possible dialogue, exchange of experience and knowledge between industry and the authorities.

Do you want to know more about Network Automated Driving Regulations?

Anne Faxér,
Jenny Lundahl,

Anne Faxér
Anne Faxér
Jenny Lundahl
Jenny Lundahl
man håller föredrag med en powerpoint framför en publik,

How Drive Sweden's Network Shared E-scooter works

Network Shared E-scooters brings together municipalities, operators, companies and researchers to spread good examples and discuss difficulties regarding, for example, policy, data sharing and traffic planning.

See results from the network's activities below.

Elsparkcyklar på rad

Roundtable discussion on managing micromobility - the 11th meeting

This 11th roundtable discussion focused on how market and society together can steer towards...
Elsparkcyklar uppradade vid gångbana

Roundtable discussion on managing micromobility - the tenth meeting

This 10th roundtable discussion focused on how market and society together can steer towards...
Demostudion, Lindholmen Science Park, Lindholmspiren 3-5, Göteborg
Elsparkcyklar uppradade vid gångbana

Roundtable discussion on managing micromobility - the ninth meeting

The 9th roundtable on how market and society together can steer towards societal goals for micro...
Elsparkcyklar uppradade vid gångbana

Roundtable discussion on managing micromobility - the eighth meeting

Welcome to the 8th round table discussion on how market and society together can steer towards...

Do you want to know more about Network Shared E-scooters?

Anne Faxér
Anne Faxér