Vision and goal

Drive Sweden should contribute strongly to the transport policy goals and, by extension, to a more sustainable society.Our task is to develop digital solutions to the transport system's sustainability challenges and thereby strengthen Swedish competitiveness.In order to succeed, we conduct joint stakeholder work between business, social actors and academia. Our board decides on the program's vision and objectives.
Drive Sweden's vision is that Sweden takes a leading role in leveraging digital technology to shape a more sustainable transportation system.
Digital technology as leverage for
- efficient use of vehicles and infrastructure
- equal access to mobility and deliveries
- increased environmental performance and traffic safety
- a strong Swedish industry
- new actors within mobility services
Program logic
To reach our goals, Drive Sweden works in four different ways. We are a knowledge node where project results are disseminated and discussed. We co-fund innovation projects. We have an international commitment, primarily in Europe and the USA. The program's innovation agenda, project portfolio and program logic are decided by the board, events and program activities are carried out together with the Program Office. Click here if you want to read our effect logic in detail (Swedish only).