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Panel av sku personer sitter på en scen

Drive Sweden has an active involvement at EU level. We participate in the EU initiative CCAM (Cooperative, connected and automated mobility), which opens doors to scale up projects, strengthen environmental monitoring, drive common Swedish perspectives and find effective ways for financing.

In our EU involvement, we can elevate the Swedish ecosystem and strengthen our partners' perspectives with the aim of increasing international competitiveness and creating new business opportunities. The commitment takes place, among other things, through the HEUDRIS project.

Kvinna står vid talarstol och talar till publik

How Drive Sweden works within CCAM

The project CCAM Sweden aims to develop and drive Drive Sweden's and interested parties' opportunities for successful engagement in various activities and funding options in the European R&I arena.

Grupp med människor poserar framför en gul vägg

CCAM State Representative Group Meeting

Together with CCAM and the Swedish Transport Administration, Drive Sweden were host and responsible for a European summit in mid May. The meeting focused on the widespread deployment of driver assistance systems, creating conditions for the implementation of conditional automation, and discussions on the necessary supporting infrastructure.


EU CAD 2023

Drive Sweden took part in EUCAD-2023. Read what cities and regions think about the automated future, presented by Karen Vacluysen, Secretary General of POLIS, and Drive Sweden take-aways from the conference.


Lastbil kör in från sidan, bil kör mot kameranoch en människa går längs med lastbilen

Thematic meeting: Network AD Regulation

At an open mini conference attendees learned more about the project Network AD Regulations as well...
En kaffekopp, en dator, ett anteckningsblock och en mobiltelefon.

Lunch & Learn: National cooperation increases the availability of data in the transport system

If you want to know more about how all of Sweden's transport authorities will work together for...
En kaffekopp, en dator, ett anteckningsblock och en mobiltelefon.

Lunch & Learn: What is road authorities' role in deployment of connected and automated mobility?

How do European road authorities look upon their roles and responsibilities in supporting the...
En kaffekopp, en dator, ett anteckningsblock och en mobiltelefon.

Lunch & Learn: Drive Sweden – a Swedish voice in the international mobility system

What is on the agenda within the mobility system in the European arena and how is European policy...

News within the area

Gruppfoto på deltagare vid EU-CAD konferensen på Irland 18-19 april

Highlights from EU-CAD symposium

The EUCAD Symposium was held in April in Dublin in conjunction with the Transport Research Arena ( TRA ) conference. The Symposium was targeted at public and private stakeholders in road transport...

Contact us about CCAM

magnus granstrom
Magnus Granström
Ingrid Skogsmo
Ingrid Skogsmo
Petter Åsman
Petter Åsman
+46(0) 72-530 59 98