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Geofencing - hands-on tips for those who work with traffic and transport in a municipality


On the 9th of December 2022, CLOSER arranged an event where the attendees got to learn about how municipalities and cities can use geofencing to create sustainable traffic environments. The event is now available as a video!

Arranged by: 
En illustration av en stad där geofencing används. Foto: CLOSER.

(The event will be held in Swedish)

Geofencing är ett digitalt verktyg för att styra eller informera fordon som befinner sig i ett geografiskt avgränsat område. Det kan bland annat användas för att säkerställa hastighetsefterlevnad.

During this seminar, you who work with traffic and urban planning or procurement of transport had the opportunity to learn about how geofencing can be a tool for your municipality to have a safe road transport system in today's complex traffic environments. The participants were also able to take part in examples that showed that Geofencing works as an important tool for fossil independence and quieter transport in large and small cities.