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MIDIS - MIcromobility Data needs and Information Sharing

To promote an increased use of micromobility, a central factor is that the physical and digital infrastructures in a city are designed for and actively support the users of these types of modes to enable a safer and more attractive user experience.

Kvällsbild på elsparkcyklar som är parkerade

The proposed project aims at the still unused potential in Swedish cities for (1) increasing the share and safe usage of such alternative modes of transport, by (2) increasing the effective usage and sharing of micromobility data to develop digital services supporting and attracting safe usage as well as (3) thoughtful regulations to better align public benefit and private profit in the long-term.

The project approach builds upon stakeholder collaboration and user dialogues to tackle the challenges of accessing, integrating, and sharing data by proposing an efficient standardized method to make better use of micromobility data for the different stakeholders and user groups. The approach is combined with a user study (incl. experiments, surveys, and citizen dialogue) in a Swedish municipality to test the approach’s accessibility for different user/interest groups.

Lessons learned will strengthen the collaboration of micromobility stakeholders to work for an equal, safe, and accessible transport system supported by the digital infrastructure that enables improved data-based decision making for future city development and how to respond more proactively to changes from the operational and policy perspectives.

Project period
September 2023 - February 2025

Project partners
RISE, Nivel, City of Stockholm, Tier, Trollhättans stad, Voi.

Érika Martins Silva Ramos, RISE

Vinnova number