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Identifying mode of transport for partial trips - when analyzing movement using mobile network data

This project intends to carry out two pilot projects to achieve an automated and general/scalable vehicle identification model - also for partial journeys. Purpose is, among other things, to be able to better monitor behavioral change when we transition to sustainable mobility.

Ikoner som symboliserar  buss, taxi, fotgängare, cyklist och taxi


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The objective of the project is to develop a scalable, automated and self-learning pattern recognition model that shows which means of transport people choose during an entire journey - door to door. The model vill be based on the Movement Analytics-method of analysing human movement using mobile network data.

Expected results and effects 

  • Better understanding of travel by means of transport in traffic planning
  • The possibility to follow up behavioral changes when society changes to sustainable travel
  • Make visible the consequences measures to reduce car use in city centers have on people´s travel habits - per means of transport

Results from this project will be able to be used in the follow-up of behavioral change in Stockholm and Lund's decided system demonstrators for faster climate transition.

Planned approach and implementation

  • Model development, Test demonstrator Gothenburg (January - June 2024)
  • Model validation, Test demonstrator Helsingborg (Januari-Juni 2024)
  • Automation and testing (January-June 2024)
  • Internal communication and utilization in Gothenburg and Helsingborg (March-June 2024)
  • Final reporting and presentation of results ( August 2024)

Take part in the project's documentation

Project period
December 2023 - August 2024

Project leader
Jonas Järnfeldt, The Train Brain

Vinnova number

The Train BrainHelsingborgs stad, Göteborgs stadTrafikverketRegion SkåneEIT Urban MobilityConsat

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