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Citizen Driven Mobility Services - MeMo

This preliminary study explores how mobility hubs and surrounding mobility services can be designed to support socially sustainable shared mobility and transportation. This is done by establishing Living Labs in Gothenburg and Mölndal in two geographically and demographically distinct areas. In these Living Labs, citizen-driven co-creation is carried out to develop design concepts for future mobility hubs by connecting local stakeholders and citizens with stakeholders and project participants.


Background and purpose

An important and challenging trend in today's urban development projects is the transition to more sustainable travel and transportation, both in new residential areas and existing neighborhoods. This often involves transitioning to permit parking with reduced parking spaces, introducing various shared mobility services, and better-coordinated freight transport, which strongly justifies consolidating the mobility functions of entire areas in mobility houses or hubs. However, achieving high utilization of mobility services has proven to be challenging, while many parking facilities have low occupancy rates with weak willingness to pay.

Mobility houses must simultaneously interact with central societal nodes, contribute to climate benefits, be safe and secure, multifunctional, and support various types of activities, etc. This requires business development and a good understanding of how new solutions/facilities can support citizens' everyday lives. Therefore, the project's purpose is to explore how citizen-driven co-creation can support the design of shared and socially sustainable mobility and transportation services linked to future mobility houses in demographically different environments.

The central problem the project aims to address is that social sustainability is a neglected area in this field, which includes issues of inequalities in service accessibility, reliability, quality, infrastructure access and trust in technology.

Method and expected results

The implementation of the preliminary study is primarily based on two Living Labs established in two geographically and demographically distinct areas in Gothenburg and Mölndal. In these Living Labs, citizen-driven co-creation is carried out to develop design concepts for future mobility houses by connecting local stakeholders and citizens with stakeholders and project participants in an iterative co-creation process. The project group will also engage in a dialogue with providers of existing and future products and services in the mobility and logistics sector.

The result objectives for this preliminary study are to a) Map out conditions and needs and engage residents/employees in the participating neighborhoods, b) Identify existing solutions that can support identified needs, c) establish a co-creation method and develop tailored design concepts with a focus on social sustainability, and d) disseminate the results and propose continuation projects where the suggestions can be developed into actual solutions.

Events within Citizen Driven Mobility Services

Workshop med leksaker och duk med hjärtan

Final Seminar: Citizen-Driven Mobility Services

Welcome to the final seminar of the project MeMo - Citizen-Driven Mobility Services! The webinar...