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Temamöte: samåkning


Samåkning har stor potential att minska antalet fordonsrörelser och därigenom kraftigt minska CO2-utsläpp, energiförbrukning och trafikköer. Idag är digital teknik inte ett hinder utan bara en möjlighet. Så varför görs det bara småskaliga insatser i Sverige? I det här webbinariet fick vi höra om samåkning i Frankrike, Norge och Danmark och vi diskuterade hur Drive Sweden kan bidra till att öka samåkandet i Sverige.


Arrangeras av: 
Drive Sweden

Mötet hölls på engelska. Klicka på länkarna nedan för att se respektive presentation.


13:00 Kent Eric Lång, RISE & Malin Andersson, Drive Sweden – Welcome and expectations for the meeting

13:05 Maria Stenström, 2030-sekretariatet – How can ride sharing contribute to 2030 targets for sustainable mobility? 

13:10 Kristian Amlie, Bouvet – Ridesharing an overview: Working business models, success stories and ecosystem for scaling

13:30 Anaïs Enrico, Karos-Mobility – France: View from an Operator 

13:40 Q&A Session

13:50 Leg stretcher

13:55 Kasper Dam Mikkelsen, Nabogo – Denmark, Norway and Sweden: View from an Operator

14:05 Harald Sævareid, Nivel – Norway: managing targeted subsidies for shared mobility

14:15 Tom Nørbech, AtB, Trøndelag – Norway: Ridesharing in combination with DRT

14:25 Jacob Gustafsson, Coride – The key to ridesharing success is behavioral change. Technology is a hygiene factor

14:35 Tobias Forngren, Freelway – Ridesharing, DRT, public transport and shared rides in taxis, rental cars, buses. Sweden/Norway

14:45 Mattias Jägerskog, Skjutsgruppen – A non-profit organisation for ridesharing services – key to success

14:55 Göran Smith, RISE – Ride Sharing – public subsidies

15:05 Q&A session

15:25 Leg stretcher

15:30 Panel discussion – moderated by Kent Eric Lång
Economy and business model could be one obstacle for Ride sharing. Ride sharing can be run entirely for commercial reasons or with subsidies. Financial contribution to ride sharing may come from employers to reduce CO2, from property owners to reduce parking needs, public transport authorities to supplement the supply or from the state to achieve environmental goals.

  • Why doesn’t ride sharing scale in Sweden?
  • What are the barriers to scaling?
  • How can we attract successful concepts in other countries to Sweden?