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AI Driven Mobility

AI brings an enormous potential to enable new products and services and to make existing processes more efficient. AI therefore drives societal solutions and competitiveness for companies and organizations embracing the opportunities. AI Driven Mobility is one dedicated component to accelerate the Swedish mobility ecosystem in this direction.

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By bringing organizations representing societal challenges and needs, private companies within the mobility sector and AI experts and evangelists together, AI driven mobility showed a great potential in identifying feasible new products, services and processes and making existing processes more efficient.

AI Driven Mobility was developed in close collaboration with partners representing key actors from all parts of society and will be lead by a joint leadership between Drive Sweden and AI Sweden.

The individual missions and activities of Drive Sweden and AI Sweden are closely related and by joining forces, we create synergies for everyone involved, not least for partners and funding agencies. To further create synergies in the area of logistics, CLOSER, the Swedish platform for collaboration, knowledge and innovation for increased goods transport efficiency, also joined the project.

Phase 1

The fundamental purposes of AI driven mobility were to:

  • Actively identify long-term opportunities to solve societal challenges and strengthen Swedish industry’s competitiveness.
  • Identify and realise short-term opportunities and use-cases to develop and deploy AI and thus accelerate implementation of innovative solutions
  • Strengthen the competence of AI in the mobility sector and the knowledge sharing between partners, projects and activities.
  • Monitor and communicate international best practice and leading examples, as well as establishing relationship with leading international environments and attract relevant talent to support the Swedish ecosystem

Drive Sweden has investigated how AI could support the vision on "Sweden takes a leading role in creating future mobility systems for people and goods that are sustainable, safe and accessible for all" and developed an AI Strategy.

Drive Sweden's AI Strategy identified a number of areas that could develop into new research and innovation projects, and AI driven mobility aims at turning these areas into concrete projects and solutions. The AI Strategy also high-lighted the general need to increase the knowledge of AI and to emphasize the system perspective for the mobility system, perspectives that also were addressed by the project. The strategy, AI as an enabler for safe and sustainable mobility, is available here.



The project partners demonstrated great interest in collaborating and finding new solutions together, leading to a creative environment for idea generation, knowledge-sharing and new collaborations.

A one-year project is a short amount of time for this kind of transformation. One can view the activities performed as a kick-start of something much bigger. Thus, it is strongly recommended to continue exploring the topics touched upon in this project. The participants have shown substantial interest in the initiative, and it is clear the organizations believe AI is, or will be, an important factor for their organisations’ future viability. However, for some it has been difficult to understand how to apply AI to their own operations. They signed up to be part of the project to start learning and exploring opportunities.

There is great potential to keep developing this platform; extend the network, include more partners, and include more mobility areas. Also, to continuously explore new ways of building knowledge and sharing experiences with the goal of bridging knowledge gaps and enabling new collaboration initiatives.

Find all the results in the final report.

Final report

The first phase of the project is concluded

Phase 2

AI Driven Mobility has evolved into a new project, AI Enhanced Mobility.

En flygbild över en trafikkorsning med texten AI Enhanced Mobility och projektpartners logotyper.

AI Enhanced Mobility

AI Enhanced Mobility aimed to build knowledge, experience and new collaborations within AI application for sustainable mobility systems. The project was a catalyst for applying AI in the field of...