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Affärsmodeller för robotaxi

Detta projekt avser att undersöka i vilka fall som en flotta av robotaxis kan vara ett alternativ för vissa typer av kollektivtrafik i Sverige. För att robotaxis ska fungera som koncept och introduceras på våra gator krävs bland annat en djupare förståelse kring utmaningar kopplade till lagrum och affärsmodeller samt vilka faktorer som kan främja utvecklingen. Projektet kommer att samla nya lärdomar kring detta i en handbok.


Purpose and aim

The project intends to explore in what cases a fleet of robotaxis could be an option for certain types of public transport in Sweden. In order to do so, a deeper level of understanding is needed and this could be reached by creating a strategic framework intended to clarify what prerequisites and factors drive or hinder development and a sustainable operation of robotaxis in Sweden.

Expected effects and results

The project intends to create a tool box which could be used for creating the required preconditions for new mobility solutions that are based on an effective, connected and automated road transport system. The tool box could be used by a variety of actors, like vehicle manufacturers, cities, regions, authorities and academia.

Setup, plan and implementation

  • Developing a strategic framework
  • Sub-case study, City of Gothenburg - applying the framework to assess different conditions and timeframes for the sustainable commercialization of Robotaxi.
  • Collaboration with relevant actors nationally and internationally. 


November 2020 - augusti 2021

Erik Wetter, Stockholm School of Economics

Stockholm School of EconomicsSwedish Transport AdministrationCity of GothenburgCEVT
