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Safety Assessment and Autonomous Driving Regulation


Sverige har en innovativ industri men stödjer den nationella lagstiftningen viktiga framsteg och hur ser lagstiftningen ut på EU-nivå? Under detta temaområdesmöte för Policy & regelverk fokuserades det på detta. Deltagarna fick uppdateringar om utvecklingen inom UNECE – organet för internationell reglering av transporter – status från ett europeiskt och ett svensk projekt samt perspektiv från industrin. Se presentationerna här!

Arrangeras av: 
Drive Sweden
A hand holding a shiny ball reflecting industries.

(Eventet hålls på engelska)

UNECE is the body for international regulation of transportation. The work regarding autonomous driving is ramping-up within WP1 Traffic Safety and WP29 Vehicle Regulation and status and expectations on the work will be presented.

The Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles – GRVA – is the Working Party preparing draft regulations, guidance documents and interpretation documents for adoption by the parent body, WP.29. GRVA deals with safety provisions related to the dynamics of vehicles (braking, steering), Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Automated Driving Systems as well as Cyber Security provisions. The group supervises around eight informal working groups (IWGs) and task forces. Find out more here:

EU is behind both China and US regarding new regulation for self-driving and driverless vehicles. Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) refers to autonomous/connected vehicles or self-driving cars (vehicles that can guide themselves without human intervention). The European Commission supports the introduction and deployment of CAM on various levels.

  • Policy initiatives: developing policies, roadmaps, strategies in close collaboration with stakeholders
  • Developing standards at the European level
  • Co-funding research & innovation projects (H2020), support actions and of infrastructure pilots
  • Developing legislation at EU level when needed

So, what is the status on the legislation at EU level and in Sweden? During this meeting we got status updates, examples from European and Swedish initiatives and industry perspectives on the developments.

Agenda (see the presentations by clicking the links)


Status on New Regulation for Autonomous Driving

Industry Perspectives on New Regulation


  • Actions needed for pro-active input to new regulations?
  • Actions needed in Swedish regulation to be on par with international regulation?


DS Policy Lab: Future Traffic Rules

Do you have any questions, contact Kent Eric Lång

Panel av sku personer sitter på en scen


Drive Sweden har ett aktivt engagemang på EU-nivå. Vi deltar i EU-initiativet CCAM (Cooperative, connected and automated mobility) vilket öppnar dörrar för att skala upp projekt, stärka...