Vilka är möjliggörarna och barriärerna för delade självkörande fordon? Och hur bör vi arbeta tillsammans med medborgarna för att driva utvecklingen framåt? Den 25 mars bjuder Drive Swedens Public Engagement Competence Network in till ett Lunch & Learn om detta, med insikter från Sigma Dolins. Välkommen!
(Eventet hålls på engelska)
Welcome to our first Public Engagement Competence Network Lunch & Learn! The members of the network have voted for topics that can improve our understanding of future mobility from the user perspectives, and in this first seminar we will discuss shared mobility with invited speaker Sigma Dolins.
Sigma will give a 30 minute talk and the you will get the opportunity to join a discussion on the topic.
Sigma Dolins is an industrial PhD with RISE, Chalmers University of Technology and transit operator Keolis. Sigma investigates enablers and barriers for on-demand, autonomous public transit, through focus groups and multinational surveys, while working on strategies for moving the transit industry in that direction. She is a fan of hot sauce.