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Framtiden för smarta städer


RECIPROCITY-projektet, som finansieras av EU-Kommissionen, startades 2021. Projektet adresserar de utmaningar kopplade till urbanisering och klimatförändringar genom atat initiera innovativa mobilitetslösningar i åtminstone 20 europeiska städer. Under NextMove

Arrangeras av: 

(Eventet hålls på engelska)

As local areas have to be equipped with tools, knowledge and contacts to help accelerate the development process of innovative mobility solutions, we will organize several events during the next months.

In this context, we invite you to our Master Mobility Workshop. This event will take place on June 10th from 9:00 to 11:30 am as a digital event.  This workshop will include a presentation on "The importance of smart cities, the challenges and the importance of projects such as RECIPROCITY" and interactive sessions between participants.

By participating to this event, you will be able to:

  • Meet 200 stakeholders from all over Europe and interact with them.
  • Learn more about RECIPROCITY and and its upcoming events.
  • Identify the stakeholders involved in the project, including but not limited to your local area.
  • Get more contacts from the mobility and energy communities!

Read more and register here