Global Mass Transit arrangerar den 11-12 november en andra konferens, med titeln Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transport. Konferensen kommer att behandla ämen kring policyer och regelverk i Europa, best practices för att integrera självkörande fordon i kollektivtrafiken, intressanta fallstudier och mycket mer.
(Eventet hålls på engelska)
There will also be presentations on pilot projects and trials, potential use cases of AVs in public transport, strategies for deployment of AVs to support transit operations and asset management, ways to leverage AVs for post-pandemic recovery, funding and procurement strategies.
The conference will bring together experts from government agencies, public transport authorities, vehicle technology suppliers, R&D institutes, academic institutions and private companies to address issues in policy, planning, funding, technology, market development, testing and deployment of AVs.
Some of the key speakers include: