Service shuttle 2.0
This project monitors, supports and evaluates pilot operations in Karlstad and (tentatively) Region Stockholm, where company cars used in operations are replaced by taxis and other ride-hailing services. The project has been preceded by a feasibility study that points to a range of societal benefits - from improved administrative economy and reduced traffic congestion to improved public health and a strengthened local labour market and improved integration.

The preliminary study - which was also funded by Drive Sweden and carried out by Karlstad Municipality, the Swedish Taxi Association and Klimatkommunerna - was able to shed light on how many company cars in the municipalities were being used uneconomically. For the same money - around SEK 100,000 per car per year is a benchmark - you can get significantly more benefit if you spend it on taxis and other transport services.
Provided that these services are carried out with cars with high environmental performance, it helps to reduce emissions and noise in the locality in question. It also frees up parking space and reduces traffic congestion. As experience shows that travellers are more likely to choose walking, cycling and public transport options, this also brings environmental and urban benefits.
Opportunities with the project
Increased walking and cycling also increases opportunities for employees to engage in everyday exercise - a growing shortage in our time.
Perhaps most interesting is that increased demand for taxis during the day increases the attractiveness of the taxi profession and can create important entry-level jobs for those who are currently far from the labour market, not least foreign-born women.
The study's conclusions will now be tested in Karlstad in the autumn of 2024 and (provisionally) Region Stockholm in the spring of 2025. Tjänsteskjuts 2.0 will follow the pilot activities closely, provide research and calculation support, study acceptance issues and also carry out evaluations. This work is carried out by a group of mobility experts at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
Utilisation of results
Experience and good advice from this work will then be made available by Klimatkommunerna and Taxiförbundet, which will jointly produce a guide for municipalities and other service providers who want to try out similar concepts. It will also contain good advice on how IT systems should be designed for booking, rebooking, cancellation and carpooling as well as feedback and accounting. The procurement process will also be covered in the guide.
This text is translated with support by
June 2024 – November 2025
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Karlstads kommun, Region Stockholm, Klimatkommunerna och Svenska Taxiförbundet
Project leader
Fredrik Holm, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
Vinnova number