Rural transport
The Rural transport project has had a strategic approach whose aim has been to explore the challenges and needs of rural areas based on a societal systemic approach with a particular focus on transport.

The goal of the project was to form a learning network of at least 30 members, build new knowledge in the network regarding rural challenges and needs, and develop project proposals (applications or initiatives among members) based on the dialogue.
- 38 members in the network at the end of the project
- The project has built new knowledge in the network regarding rural challenges and needs. The development of knowledge within the network has deepened the understanding of the problem to the point that rural challenges are both about
A - Distances to services have increased (and can be solved with transport services)
B - That supply has decreased
C - That the quality of community services has declined
D - That power has distanced itself further - The project has developed 4 project proposals and applications based on dialogue with the members.
The network met a number of times (physically and digitally) in pure network meetings, conferences, study visits and in Drive-Sweden meetings, to both share knowledge internally and bring external input to the network's dialogues. The knowledge and understanding have been nuanced as part of the network's work and resulted in four multifaceted project applications. Two conferences were also organized in rural areas, in Storuman and in Dorotea, where local businesses and the local community were invited. They were named Smartbygd & Inlandsmässan.
See the presentation
Time period
August 2021 - January 2023
Pia Kristiansson, Region Västerbotten
Region Västerbotten, KTH, LTH, Telenor, SVA, Iteam, Creed media group, Earhart AB, Einride, Lennox PR, Transtema, Mittmedia, Totalförsvarsstiftelsen
Vinnova number