Drive Sweden - System and Services for mobility - 2016
The project provides Drive Sweden with a technology and service platform to enable and drive development, demonstration and innovation of automated transport and mobility services, enabling Sweden and Swedish actors to reach Drive Sweden's goals of making Sweden a leader in the field. The cloud service, with all its functions, is available to project partners and can be used to interact with new actors.

The project, which also goes by Platform for connected cloud services, has between 2016 and 2020 developed and demonstrated an initial joint cloud-based platform with functionality for connected vehicle fleets, connected infrastructure, data sharing and interfaces towards test sites and partners.
Drive Sweden Innovation Cloud is now used as platform in ongoing Drive Sweden projects and pilots such as LIMA, 5GRIDE and CEVISS.
The cloud platform Drive Sweden Innovation Cloud is used by several Drive Sweden projects and pilot trials with connected, autonomous vehicles and new mobility services. The platform, the services and the pilot trials have attracted national and international interest. Parts of the functionality have been commercialized by the project's actors and the concept of Connected Traffic Tower is used to package, market and export solutions that specifically support connected and automated mobility.
During 2021 work will be divided into the following work packages/deliverables:
- WP1 Drive Sweden Innovation Cloud Data sharing and visualization
Operation and support for affiliated partners and ongoing projects and test sites. - WP2 Connected Traffic Tower
Further developed functionality for Traffic Tower in collaboration with current pilot trials. Specific functionality to support connected automated vehicles. - WP3 Digital twin with simulation and AI
Specific functionality to support projects with simulation and AI for increased scalability in pilots and automation. - WP4 Connected goods and logistics
Development and testing of basic functionality that supports automation of freight transport and logistics.
During this project period, the cloud platform will be provided with enhanced functionality for Innovation Cloud and Traffic Tower with support for digital twin, AI and simulation. On top of this, the cloud platform will support and operate the projects and services that choose to be operated in the platform. A specific focus on freight and logistics aims to start projects within the field and identify and test functionality related to this.
Through Drive Sweden and this project's key players - several of which are global, leading companies - the project has extensive international connections. These will be actively used for external monitoring, dissemination of results and to find partners and new business opportunities.
Watch the video: Smart mobility is here
Final reports
June 2016 - August 2017
Stefan Myhrberg, Ericsson
Vinnova number
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