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Demonstration of technology to identify the movement in a city

The project (also called The Movement in a City) has developed a Crowd Analytics service for urban mobility. By combining and processing mobile data, map data, traffic data and demographic data, the service continuously follows the human movement in a city and can identify people's real needs for mobility in and to/from a city. Among other things, the service can also show which types of vehicles are being used and how they could be used more efficiently.

Två kvinnor som cyklar i en stad.

The climate crisis is here and it is urgent to switch to more sustainable alternatives. This goes for the transport sector as well, whose transition has been slower than that of other sectors. A key to accelerating the transition is to ensure that there is a good basic analysis of the real need for mobility, i.e. how people actually move in and to/from the city.

In a previous Vinnnova-funded collaborative project, Commuter Computing has developed a data-driven analysis that combines mobile data, travel data and open data to identify and visualize movements in and to/from Södertälje. The aim has been to develop the insights and solutions from the Södertälje project in Linköping.

The transition to sustainable mobility is a shared responsibility between municipalities and regions (which are responsible for public transport). In this project, the municipality of Linköping and Östgötatrafiken have been provided with quick access to this new analysis capability, investigated what it means and learn more about how it can be scaled to more cities in Sweden.

With this new analysis capability, cities and regions will get the possibility to better understand what mobility solutions that are needed, but also get quick feedback on the effect of the initiatives they are working with to increase the market share for sustainable travel.

Deliverable benefits

  • The identification of people's real needs for mobility in and to/from a city.
  • The service is Always-on, which improves the ability to follow changes and more volatile travel behaviour. In addition, it is less sensitive to temporary changes.
  • A system that keeps track of the movement by mode of transport (train, bus, car, bicycle, etc.).
  • Find potential by identifying market share and travel time ratio in different travel relationships.
  • Understanding of how well public transport meets travel needs today and where potential exists.
  • Possibility to export data to work further in other tools.

Project goals

The project has had several goals:

  • To increase the scalability of a Movement in a City project by streamlining and streamlining the three main processes included in Data Import, Data Processing and Data Export.
  • To improve the ability to identify different types of vehicles (train, bus, car, bicycle, etc.)
  • To refine KPIs (market share, travel time/travel time ratio, etc.)
  • To develop a good visualization adapted to public transport actors, regions and municipalities and their work to improve the attractiveness of sustainable travel.

Watch the presentation from Drive Sweden Forum, March 2023

Time period
June 2022 - January 2023

Jonas Medin, Commuter Computing (The Train Brain)

Commuter Computing (The Train Brain), Östgötatrafiken, Linköpings kommun, Hi3G

Vinnova number

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