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Lunch & Learn: What Comes After the Gas Station?


Right now, many are transitioning their travel and transport to zero emissions. But what does this really mean for the transport system? OKQ8 and the Nordstan shopping center are two exciting players who are not only rethinking their future roles and business opportunities but are also acting as pioneers. The webinar was held in Swedish.

Arranged by: 
Drive Sweden

Vad krävs för att gå från bensinmack och p-hus för fossila fordon, till en hållbar mobilitetshub? Lyssna till Petra Edlund OKQ8 och Helena Lindqvist, VD Nordstan om framtidsplaner och insikter utifrån de förändringsprocesser som just nu pågår.


Petra Edlund, Head of Mobility & Business Development, OKQ8

Helena Lindqvist, VD, Nordstan

Moderator: Malin Andersson, Drive Sweden

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