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Lunch & Learn: CCAM Large Scale Demonstrations


Drive Sweden invites you to attend an overview of how CCAM Partnership will use the final years of the framework programme Horizon Europe focusing on Large Scale Demonstrations. The session is presented by CCAM Sweden in English.

Arranged by: 
Drive Sweden
En kaffekopp, en dator, ett anteckningsblock och en mobiltelefon.

Midway through Horizon Europe it is time to plan for the “grand finale” of both the programme and the CCAM Partnership. What have we achieved so far, and how do we leverage the acquired knowledge? To build upon the collective strengths of European countries, to integrate solutions with people and to create services that truly make a difference for society, the Partnership is planning Large scale demonstrators. They will also serve to let Europe, and the world know about the innovations and potential of European CCAM solutions, founded through collaboration for the future.

Join us to get more information about what is coming and how we can contribute and be involved in the making!

Jonas Höglund iklädd mörk kavaj och blå skjorta

Jonas Höglund

CCAM Coordinator